
Advancing End-of-Life Care Options in Delaware Legislature: A Case Study


Compassion & Choices (C&C) is a national organization advocating for end-of-life care options that align with individuals’ personal values and beliefs. Their mission is to pass legislation in every state, including Delaware, to legalize medical aid in dying (MAID). This case study explores how C&C partnered with NüPOINT to bolster awareness and drive legislative progress for medical aid in dying in Delaware after years of challenges.

The Challenge

For five years, C&C worked tirelessly to pass MAID legislation in Delaware but faced consistent roadblocks. Despite substantial support from the public, the bill repeatedly failed to gain traction. To turn the tide, C&C sought NüPOINT’s expertise in strategic marketing and advocacy to increase engagement and build momentum.

The Strategy

NüPOINT’s approach began with leveraging C&C’s existing research to create compelling collateral that communicated the widespread support for MAID in Delaware. These materials presented complex data in digestible formats, including charts, graphs, and maps, highlighting that the majority of Delaware residents favor having end-of-life care options, such as medical aid in dying.

Building on this foundation, NüPOINT conducted original research, revealing that three-quarters of Delaware physicians supported the proposed legislation, with two-thirds expressing a desire for MAID as an option for themselves.

Tactical Execution

Working closely with the C&C Delaware team, NüPOINT developed and implemented a comprehensive campaign targeting key stakeholders, including:

  • State government officials
  • Religious organizations
  • Physicians and medical practitioners
  • Medical training schools
  • The general public

The campaign employed a wide array of public relations strategies to ensure maximum impact:

  • Press releases and media outreach
  • Opinion pieces and letters to the editor
  • TV and radio interviews
  • Direct mail campaigns
  • Testimonies before the legislature
  • Letter-writing and community engagement campaigns
  • Participation in local events
  • Targeted radio, digital ads, and social media outreach

By combining traditional and digital marketing strategies, NüPOINT was able to significantly elevate public discourse around MAID, reaching diverse audiences across Delaware.

The Results

In June 2024, for the first time in a decade, the MAID measure successfully passed both houses of the Delaware legislature. While the governor ultimately vetoed the bill due to personal reasons, this milestone marked a major victory for C&C and their supporters.

Looking Ahead

Despite the governor’s veto, NüPOINT and Compassion & Choices are committed to advancing a new bill. We plan to continue leveraging marketing and advocacy efforts to ensure Delaware residents retain the right to choose how they navigate end-of-life care.


NüPOINT’s strategic collaboration with Compassion & Choices demonstrates the power of marketing in advocacy. By amplifying public support, engaging stakeholders, and implementing a multifaceted campaign, we’ve moved closer to legalizing medical aid in dying, a critical option for end-of-life care.

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