Amidst a growing number of school options for parents and students, schools in Arizona and Delaware needed a better understanding of the families’ decision-making process as well as how to make their schools stand out and reach the right audiences to attract and retain students.
StröngPOINT’s research commenced with a series of parent focus groups representing various demographic and geographic segments of the population and continued with intercept surveys of community members.
The combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods were utilized to validate key messages, educational programs of interest and optimal media strategies for creating awareness and affecting school decision making. The results of the research allowed school administrators to identify the most important value components of school programs and target these based on demographic characteristics. Through this lens, administrators customized messaging based on how various customer segments differ in their perceptions, needs, and behaviors.
The Result
Marketing channels were re-evaluated, academic capabilities were re-prioritized, school offerings were re-evaluated, and enrollment goals exceeded expectations.